Here you can find the answers to common questions that we get. We’ve done our best to answer them, but there are some questions where the answers are going to vary on a case by case basis. Please contact us if you have any specific questions or are unsure about anything.
Local or interstate we are more than happy to arrange transport for your new puppy, we have safely delivered many pups across Australia over our 20 years of registered dog breeding. Pups can fly through Jetpets out of Melbourne Tullamarine airport or be delivered by road through trusted Pet Caddy’s. Transported at buyers’ cost.
Our price for puppies varies depending on the breed. Starting from $3000 to $6000. Our older dogs are considerably cheaper. For any queries please contact us.
Stonehaven Park is situated in Central Gippsland at the foothills of the Great Dividing Range near Lake Glenmaggie. The 100 acre family farm is located on
the outskirts of the quaint rural town; Heyfield; which is accessible via the M1 Freeway, Princes Highway from Melbourne.
We welcome all potential buyers to visit our modern facility which we are proud of.
Simply contact us and we’ll be happy to help answer any other questions you have about buying a puppy or adopting a retired dog through Stonehaven Park Puppies.
© Stonehaven Park Puppies, All Rights Reserved. Website by Black Media.